"Forever we've been trying to fix a plane while it's in the air. Now, the world has forced businesses to rethink how they're going to market".
This epitomizes the current state of most businesses and is particularly true for the sales function in any organization.
In this two-part episode of One-to-One, we caught up with Dave Snyder, President of Pono Learning, to get his take on how sales leaders could get through a period of hyper uncertainty. He provided some timely advice on how to effectively lead a sales team, how to not panic, and made a strong case for always doing what's best for the end customer.
Part two of this episode can be found here.
One-to-One gives you a glimpse into the world and mindset of CX leaders. If you liked this conversation and don’t want to miss future episodes, catch us on Spotify, YouTube, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or your favorite podcast app.
Sales leaders need to think broadly about the business implications of the outbreak. While near-term challenges have been quickly addressed (store closures, temporary layoffs, etc.), sales leaders need to put a plan together for the return to "the newer normal".
In times of uncertainty, a natural tendency is to panic, make short-sighted decisions, and ultimately sacrifice the end customer experience. The outbreak makes everything a moving target, so it's inherently hard to plan for the long term. Nevertheless, a fail-proof strategy is to empathize with your end customers and do what's ultimately best for them.
As a society, we've been through other crises that had rippling effects on our business. Some survive, while others aren't as lucky. But, by addressing the immediate challenges inherent to COVID-19 and planning your return-to-normal strategy, businesses will absolutely get through this challenging time.